Cons of child labor in cobalt mines
Cons of child labor in cobalt mines

cons of child labor in cobalt mines

“It is an important milestone for the Global Battery Alliance, which brokered the CAP in 2020 with support from the World Economic Forum.”

Cons of child labor in cobalt mines driver#

“As an impartial public-private initiative supported by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Cobalt Action Partnership is placed to become a strong driver of a responsible and sustainable battery market in this critical decade for climate action,” said Antonia Gawel, Deputy Head of the Platform for Global Public Goods, Head of Circular Economy and Innovation, Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum. Given the nature of risks and the complexity of supply chains, due diligence is imperative but often challenging.ĬAP implementing partners and stakeholders are committed to identify solutions and actions across the private, public, and nonprofit sectors to legitimize artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) cobalt produced in the DRC, promote global market access for cobalt ASM producers, formalize ASM operations, eradicate child labor and human rights abuses in cobalt mining communities, and harmonize existing initiatives working on these issues to ensure coordinated collective efforts. Cobalt is important for the local and national economies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), yet the sector faces significant challenges to translate this mineral wealth into sustainable development outcomes and equitable distribution of productivity gains.

cons of child labor in cobalt mines cons of child labor in cobalt mines

CAP promotes the engagement and commitment of companies towards sustainable and inclusive cobalt value chains, and aims to foster transparent, evidence-based and responsible cobalt value chains to improve safety and working conditions, promote gender equality, address corruption and human rights abuses such as child labor and forced labor, mitigate negative environmental impacts, and meet ambitious sustainability targets, consistent with national regulations and relevant international standards. The CAP, an initiative in collaboration with the Global Battery Alliance, was formalized in May 2020 as a broad-based and multi-sectoral, public-private coalition of organizations. This step demonstrates a significant step to link the global desire for responsible cobalt supply chains with the important commitment of DRC government actors. 23, 2020 – The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), as the Partnership Lead of the Cobalt Action Partnership (CAP), today with CAP Implementing Partners announced that His Excellency Professor Willy Kitobo Samsoni, National Minister of Mines of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), is joining the CAP Steering Committee.

Cons of child labor in cobalt mines